Powered by AI, Steered by Scientists

Only scientists understand the tedium of planning and executing in vivo work. With endless parameters like species, animal weight, and room humidity, so many things can go wrong.
Experimental design is a high-stakes game. Flawed protocols mean failed experiments, useless data, and derailed preclinical schedules.
At ModernVivo, we’re scientists, so we know what it’s like to spend months trawling through endless PubMed and Google Scholar papers.
Your current workflow looks
something like this, right?

Broad Model Search

Thousands of loosely related (99% useless) papers

Design study based on 15-30 half-relevant papers

ModernVivo gives you everything you need in one click.
This means you save time, cover thousands of papers instantly, and get right to the point.
Sound too good to be true? Learn how our tools revolutionize study design.
ModernVivo gives you everything you need in one click.
This means you save time, cover thousands of papers instantly, and get right to the point.
Sound too good to be true? Learn how our tools revolutionize study design.
ModernVivo gives you everything you need in one click.
This means you save time, cover thousands of papers instantly, and get right to the point.
Sound too good to be true? Learn how our tools revolutionize study design.
ModernVivo gives you everything you need in one click.
This means you save time, cover thousands of papers instantly, and get right to the point.
Sound too good to be true? Learn how our tools revolutionize study design.
Talk to a scientist who speaks your language.
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